CoePower AHF Active Harmonic Filter는 슈퍼마켓 빌딩 전력 시스템의 고조파로 인한 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이됩니다.

슈퍼마켓 빌딩은 오래 전에 지어 졌기 때문에, 당시 전원 시스템 구성에서 고조파 문제가 고려되지 않았습니다.. When designing the distribution system, the diameter of the N-phase cable was smaller than that of the A/B/C three-phase cable.

At present, the distribution circuit on the first floor of the building has serious N-phase heating and excessive current problems.

Distribution system diagram and main harmonic loads

There are 4 load outgoing cabinets in the on-site power distribution room, and the power consumption of the supermarket on the first floor is drawn from the 3# and 4# feeder cabinets.

In the on-site power distribution structure, the power supply upstream of the 3# and 4# feeder cabinets is a dual power switch, which is a 4P switch.

The typical harmonic source equipment at this site is LED indicator lights. The initial manifestation of the problem was that the N-phase shell of the dual power switch was hot.

Harmonic Data Testing and Analysis

The incoming line cabinet behind the transformer was selected for testing to gain an overall understanding of the power quality issues on site.

Harmonic Compensation Solution

Because it is necessary to solve the heating problem of N-phase cables and switches in the supermarket on the first floor, and the main harmonic source equipment is in the supermarket on the first floor, a local control solution is selected to specifically control the harmonics of the 3# and 4# feeder cabinets and reduce the N-phase current at the dual power switch position to solve the heating problem of N-phase here.

Solution: Choose our company’s active harmonic filter (AHF) equipment and install it in the distribution room for local treatment.

Equipment Selection: 활성 고조파 필터 (AHF)

Equipment model: CoEpo APF/200-0.4-D

Governance method: local treatment

Installation capacity: 200A

Installation method: rack type

Installation location: Power distribution room

harmonic compensation by active harmonic filter

Compensation Effect

After harmonic compensation by CoEpower AHF Active Harmonic Filter Equipment:

1. The system’s current waveform has been significantly improved, from the original distorted waveform to a normal sine wave waveform;

2. The N-phase current dropped significantly from the original 251.4A to 17.2A, so the N-phase cable heating problem was solved;

3. The total harmonic distortion rate of the system dropped from 47.2% to 4.6%, and the harmonic control effect was significant.

Tags: CoEpower AHF, 활성 고조파 필터, AHF 활성 고조파 필터, Harmonic Compensation Solution, Suppliers, manufacturers, factory, wholesale, buy, price, quotation, bulk, for sale, companies, stock, cost.

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