1. Project Overview

This supermarket was built many years ago, and harmonic problems were not considered in the power system configuration then. When designing the power distribution system, Диаметр кабеля N-фазы был меньше, чем у трехфазного кабеля A/B/C.
The building is divided into three floors. The first floor is a supermarket, and the second and third floors are clothing stores. In the first floor’s power distribution circuit, serious N-phase heating, and excessive current problems occurred.
2. Диаграмма системы распределения и основные гармонические нагрузки

Есть 4 load outlet cabinets in the power distribution room, among which the power consumption of the supermarket on the first floor is led out from the 3# и 4# кормовые шкафы.
In the power distribution structure, the power upstream of the 3# и 4# Шкафы подачи - это двойной переключатель питания, and this switch is a 4P switch.

The typical harmonic source at this site is an LED indicator light
The first symptom of the problem discovered at the site was the heating problem of the N-phase shell of the dual power switch.
3. Harmonic data testing and analysis

After selecting the on-site transformer, we conducted a test at the incoming cabinet location to gain an overall understanding of the on-site power quality issues.

4. Harmonic solution
On-site improvement needs include resolving the overheating of the N-phase cables and switches in the first-floor supermarket. As the main harmonic source equipment is located in the first-floor supermarket, targeted measures are chosen to address the harmonic issues in the 3# и 4# feeder cabinets to reduce the N-phase current at the dual power switch positions and resolve the overheating issue in this N-phase location.

Выбор оборудования: Active Power Filter (APF)
Модель оборудования: COEPO APF/200-0.4-D
Management method: местное лечение
Установка: 200А
Метод установки: тип стойки
Место установки: power distribution room
5. Effect

After harmonic improvement by active power filter:
1. Текущая форма волны системы была значительно улучшена, От исходной искаженной формы волны до нормальной формы волны синусоидальной волны;
2. The N-phase current dropped from the 251.4A to 17.2A. The N-phase current dropped significantly, so the N-phase cable heating problem is solved;
3. The system’s total harmonic distortion rate dropped from 47.2% к 4.6%, и эффект контроля над гармоникой был значительным.
Теги: Power system configuration, Harmonic solution, Active Power Filter (APF), COEPO APF/200-0.4-D, 200A APF, rack type Active Power Filter, Поставщики, производители, фабрика, оптом, купить, цена, цитата, масса, для продажи, Компании, запас, расходы.
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