CoEpower Active Power Filter (APF) helps to solve LED Source Harmonics Filtration

1. Project Overview

This supermarket was built many years ago, and harmonic problems were not considered in the power system configuration then. When designing the power distribution system, Диаметр кабеля N-фазы был меньше, чем у трехфазного кабеля A/B/C.

The building is divided into three floors. The first floor is a supermarket, and the second and third floors are clothing stores. In the first floor’s power distribution circuit, serious N-phase heating, and excessive current problems occurred.

2. Диаграмма системы распределения и основные гармонические нагрузки

Есть 4 load outlet cabinets in the power distribution room, among which the power consumption of the supermarket on the first floor is led out from the 3# и 4# кормовые шкафы.

In the power distribution structure, the power upstream of the 3# и 4# Шкафы подачи - это двойной переключатель питания, and this switch is a 4P switch.

The typical harmonic source at this site is an LED indicator light

The first symptom of the problem discovered at the site was the heating problem of the N-phase shell of the dual power switch.

3. Harmonic data testing and analysis

After selecting the on-site transformer, we conducted a test at the incoming cabinet location to gain an overall understanding of the on-site power quality issues.

4. Harmonic solution

On-site improvement needs include resolving the overheating of the N-phase cables and switches in the first-floor supermarket. As the main harmonic source equipment is located in the first-floor supermarket, targeted measures are chosen to address the harmonic issues in the 3# и 4# feeder cabinets to reduce the N-phase current at the dual power switch positions and resolve the overheating issue in this N-phase location.

Выбор оборудования: Active Power Filter (APF)

Модель оборудования: COEPO APF/200-0.4-D

Management method: местное лечение

Установка: 200А

Метод установки: тип стойки

Место установки: power distribution room

5. Effect

After harmonic improvement by active power filter:

1. Текущая форма волны системы была значительно улучшена, От исходной искаженной формы волны до нормальной формы волны синусоидальной волны;

2. The N-phase current dropped from the 251.4A to 17.2A. The N-phase current dropped significantly, so the N-phase cable heating problem is solved;

3. The system’s total harmonic distortion rate dropped from 47.2% к 4.6%, и эффект контроля над гармоникой был значительным.

Теги: Power system configuration, Harmonic solution, Active Power Filter (APF), COEPO APF/200-0.4-D, 200A APF, rack type Active Power Filter, Поставщики, производители, фабрика, оптом, купить, цена, цитата, масса, для продажи, Компании, запас, расходы.

Связанный продукт:

Активный гармонический фильтр

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